Loving Light - Helping Clients to illuminate their chosen path. 

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 About Me

 Hi, I'm Carmen Franklin.

I work as an Executive and Personal Coach, Author and Developer of People, MCIPD, LPI, ICF

Coached and supported staff through employee lifecycle services.
Created Leadership Coaching Frameworks and managed Services for internal and external Coaching Consultants.

Provided Career Management and Mediation sessions.

Lead the Global introduction and implementation of Insights Discovery Tool to Sony PlayStation HRBP services teams, Business Managers, Senior Management in Europe, UK, San Francisco, San Diego, California, Japan, Australia and New Zealand.
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 Let’s Talk

Do you ….
Feel as if no one is really listening and you want to be heard? 
Need to express yourself and wondered where you could find such a space?
Want to be valued as you explore your true thoughts and feelings?

Let's explore and reactivate your motivation muscle with 'Love Coaching. 

I'm here to help you achieve desired goals. 

Let's find a way to make this happen. 

Turn your light on and start succeeding. 
+44 07904651683

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 “Carmen coached me for a time at Sony PlayStation, when I was in a position of senior leadership. She has an insightful and adaptive mind. This places her perfectly to assist those of us who perhaps do not see the bigger picture when we most need to. I found her advice and methods effective and her personality positive and uplifting. She worked hard for me and all those she coached and I appreciated it and still do.
Liam - Development Director

“I can only say the best about Carmen, as a professional and as a person. I came to work closer with Carmen when I was promoted to General Manager. Carmen provided me coaching and mentoring support along my leadership journey, with very valuable insights on team management & development but, also, on soft skills and self-awareness. Besides her unquestionable technical skills, Carmen is also a generous person, always willing to take that extra effort & risk to support a project or a team. These qualities, combined with Carmen’s great sense of humor, have made me really enjoy our collaboration along the last few years. Thank you Carmen!
Liliana - General Manager

“Working with you Carmen has been so beneficial. Carmen you are a great listener and always picks up the salient points. Whenever we reach the end of a session, I’m really happy and feel capable.”  
Barbara - Headmistress

“Experiencing coaching with you has been brilliant, you are very good, helped me clarify aspects of my hiding, I am looking forward to the next session.” 
Ebi - Investment Banker & Author

 “Carmen, I am particularly impressed with your leadership of the Insights program which we are now deploying in the US based on your efforts.”
 Michael Labianca, Global HR SVP PlayStation.


By Carmen Franklin 25 Aug, 2024
Being kinder to ourselves. Today’s culture prepares us for gain, but not for loss.
By Carmen Franklin 16 Jul, 2020
When you meet me, you will see my friendly smile, I am open with honest and trustworthy approach. I value 4 things – Truth, Honesty, Love and Respect. Truth is information that cannot be changed. Honesty is a personal attribute that encourages ‘truth’ to come from within a person. Love of the work that I do to support Clients allows me to fulfill my life’s mission. “ Respect embraces diversity, dignity of people and their perspectives. I usually describe myself as Lioness, who is strong, courageous but also nurturing to support people who want coaching. My metaphor describes skills I have used in life and past Coaching experiences. My Love model has 4 simple and connecting principles. Listen : to hear the Clients Story. Observe : to see the client reactions. Value : The Coaching Relationship and Empower : Clients to express decisions/choices and actions to achieve goal. Listening is a gift I cherish and hold as big responsibility to Clients. Observing Clients allows me to see non-verbal messages and body language to pick up on true feelings; I intuitively see and experience Clients physical, emotional and spiritual energy when they are peeling back the layers of their topic Valuing Clients is being a change agent who transforms Clients by enabling exploration of topics not easily articulated. We experiment with techniques based on the Clients preferences, mood and resilience levels to find the one that works and help Clients view other perspectives they had not consider previously. Empowering gives Clients time to think about themselves and make decisions at the right time in a safe space. Client reach Ah ha moments of realization that they can achieve their goal, as they accept responsibility for their motivation. Coaching is a relationship that will grow and advance understanding of Clients' self with the encouragement to embrace new thought patterns and take bolder steps for a brighter and better future. To discuss Coaching Services please contact me via Email: Carmen.Franklin@loving-light.co.uk, LinkedIn-Carmen Franklin or mobile: 07904651683.
By Carmen Franklin 21 Jun, 2020
Whilst working in British Telecom, I was introduced to Insights as an alternative to the established Myers Briggs psychometric tool to understand communication preferences. Back then, Insights was used as a conflict resolution tool, where employees with opposite communication styles came to understand and appreciate the differences they might have and how these differences could be perceived as difficulties. Sharing profiles enabled distant parties to learn more about the others preferences, how to flex and connect more effectively leading to new understanding, greater partnerships and working relationships. From the time I completed the online evaluator of 22 questions and receive my very own personal Insights Report. I became an instant Insights convert and ambassador for life! I love the effortless way you can receive insight into how you make decisions, could be perceived and what you could potentially not see about oneself. I am an avid believer in learning, and who does not want to learn more about themselves! So, let’s find out about Insights. What is Insights? Insights is a unique Tool that teaches us about Communication, how we communicate to others, and how others might receive our communication. There are 4 colour energies that we each have, with one predominant colour energy manifesting itself. The Insights system is built on a 4-step process where you: • Explore and discover more about yourself • Learn how to recognise and appreciate others’ differences • Learn how to adapt your behaviour to interact more effectively with others • Take continual action and put your learning into practice Insights is easily absorbed and can be used after one session. The cool coloured blocks are quick reminders of individual preferences and are featured on many desks and minds across the businesses I deliver Individual and Teams Insights debrief sessions; often to support change, new teams reshaping purpose and helping participants learn about their communication styles in a very short time. Benefits of Insights • Builds individual and team communication, behaviours and positive cultural environment within organisations • Embedded Insights communication tool promotes engagement with others, increases Business performance and attainment of goals in professional and personal lives. Participants readily use new knowledge of the Insights colour energies, to describe people's preferences. “Oh Mike is Insights Blue, could you not tell by the way he planned the session and what about the number of questions asked during session. "Oh, you can tell Amy is Insights yellow – she thrives on knowing what’s going on and how she can be involved. Participants quickly picked up on the value add of improved business communication that enhances culture and performance, and provide stimulating feedback. “The personality report that came through following the questionnaire was truly excellent and insightful”. “The course has made me realise that people are different, and everyone values different things”. “I am much more aware of my personality and better able to understand what other people's personality type is like and how to better interact with them.” "I have a new way of giving and receiving feedback, this enhances our working dynamics, builds our team ethos and more importantly help us builds trust whilst achieving our goals". Many participants wished this information on their preferences was available earlier on in their career, having learnt how unique they are. Key learning is around unique preferences • Ultimately, we like our comfort zones, but can easily refocus our communication to connect and influence others. • Our unique differences can be seen by others and some of these differences we may not be fully aware of and will need others to point out these blind spots . • Highlighting how we make decisions in split seconds and that our perspectives and perceptions may not be the full picture. It is my passion to speak with participants about their own preferences and interactions with others, enabling them to have more positive conversations as part of their day to day communication. As more of the workforce is looking at a future of working from home, how can they adapt and flex their communication skills? What can you as a business do to help them achieve a higher level of communication? If you have not already, consider joining the Insights Communication Journey in 4 simple steps: • Contacting Carmen Franklin Insights Practitioner • Complete Online assessment • Receive a Profile Report • Undertake a Group or 1:1 Insights Debrief session For a further discussion on services please contact via mobile: 07904651683 or Email – Carmen.Franklin@loving-light.co.uk or LinkedIn - Carmen Franklin. Background Information Carmen Franklin is an accredited Insights Practitioner, and has delivered over 30+ Group and 150+ 1:1 Debrief sessions. Introduced Insights to PlayStation Europe 2006 before taking it across to the US in 2016, where it expanded to other Global entities and business divisions to help increase positive communication and effective working etiquette. “Carmen, I am particularly impressed with your leadership of the Insights program which we are now deploying in the US based on your efforts.” Michael Labianca, Global HR SVP PlayStation.
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